CannaTech Sydney 2018 is history and the 500+ registrants left with new friends and a lot of new knowledge. Here’s a short video that will give you a taste of the event. Those with a keen eye will notice that young Rylie Maedler, a cancer survivor and spokesperson extraordinaire, is wearing a Mary’s Medicinals transdermal patch on her upper arm! Rylie absolutely brought down the house with her personal story of overcoming a brain tumor. She was one of the few patients who spoke at CannaTech and if there is any criticism to be made of the event it is the lack of patient stories and their input in determining the course of medical cannabis.
But the good news came from those in the industry who are committed to medical cannabis and who see the importance of continued research. CannaTech conducts these conferences around the globe, an important part of the ongoing effort to re-educate the world about cannabis.
– Alice